
Himalayan salt

With its beautiful pink hue and acclaimed health properties, Himalayan pink salt has become an increasingly popular alternative to regular table salt. This aromatic crystal salt is mined from ancient sea salt deposits found deep in the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan. Compared to regular salt which is heavily processed and stripped of minerals, Himalayan salt is packed with an impressive array of minerals and elements that can provide powerful healing and therapeutic benefits.

In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Himalayan pink salt including its key nutrient profile, associated health benefits, using Himalayan salt lamps, as well as tips for cooking with this medicinal salt. Read on to learn why you should make the switch to the pink salt from the East.

What Makes Himalayan Salt So Special? Key Nutrients & Benefits

Himalayan salt

Himalayan crystal salt gets its beautiful pink colour from trace amounts of iron oxide or rust. But there’s more to this special salt than meets the eye. Thanks to its untampered origin from ancient sea salt deposits, Himalayan salt boasts an extensive range of key macro and trace minerals and elements including:

  • Sodium & Chloride – provides electrolyte balance
  • Iron – aids blood health & circulation
  • Potassium – regulates nerves & fluid balance
  • Magnesium – supports metabolism & immunity
  • Calcium – strengthens bones & muscles
  • Copper – boosts energy production
  • Iodine – promotes thyroid health
  • Zinc – boosts immunity & wound healing
  • Manganese – aids in nutrient absorption

This impressive nutritional profile is why Himalayan pink salt is considered so much healthier than regular table salt. The array of vitamins, minerals, and elements can provide some major health advantages:

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Supports Respiratory Health

Thanks to its rich mineral content, Himalayan salt has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help clear mucus, ease breathing, and improve overall lung function. The minerals may also help reduce symptoms for those suffering from asthma, allergies, colds, coughs, and congestion.

Promotes Healthy pH Balance

Our pH level indicates whether the body is in an acidic or alkaline state. Most modern diets full of processed foods promote an unhealthy acidic environment. Himalayan salt’s rich minerals can help alkalize the body and restore a healthy pH balance to promote overall well-being.

Detoxifies the Body

Exposure to environmental pollutants and unhealthy foods can leave our bodies burdened with toxins. As an excellent source of minerals, Himalayan salt helps flush toxins from the body, aids circulation and nutrient delivery, and supports key detoxification organs like the kidneys and digestive system.


Supports Healthy Blood Sugar

Consuming regular table salt can lead to unstable blood sugar levels which can be dangerous for those with diabetes or prediabetes. The combination of minerals in Himalayan salt helps regulate healthy insulin and blood glucose levels.

Click Here To Buy Organic Himalayan Pink Salt From Amazon!

Promotes Restful Sleep

Many of the minerals in Himalayan salt like magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc and others play key roles in nerve signalling and muscle function. Getting enough of these essential nutrients can make it easier to fall and stay asleep.

Supports Bone Health

Adequate intake of key minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium and potassium is vital for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. Himalayan salt provides all these bone-boosting minerals to prevent loss of bone mineral density.

Boosts Hydration

The rich diversity of electrolytes and minerals in Himalayan salt enhances hydration on a cellular level. This allows the body to absorb more water which helps kidney function. Maintaining proper fluid balance boosts energy levels and blood circulation.

Improves Digestion & Nutrient Absorption

Any form of natural salt helps stimulate digestive juices in the gut promoting improved digestion and assimilation of nutrients from foods. The 84+ minerals and elements also play key roles in digestive enzymes and hormone function.

How Himalayan Salt Lamps Work & Their Benefits

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You may have seen those dimly-lit pink salt rock lamps sold in holistic stores or speciality shops. But did you know these trendy lanterns are actually cut from slabs of Himalayan salt crystals? When the bulb inside heats up, this causes the salt to emit negative ions into the surrounding environment.

Since our indoor air is often flooded with electromagnetic radiation and positive ions from electronics, this can leave us feeling stuffy and drained. The negative ions from a Himalayan salt lamp can help neutralize some of the artificial positive ions, clearing the air for enhanced breathing and wellness.

himalayan salt

But Himalayan salt lamps provide more than just cleaner indoor air. The gentle orange glow they emit mimics the feel of a sunset which helps promote relaxation. The lamps also give off small amounts of therapeutic Himalayan salt into the air allowing you to passively inhale some of the mineral benefits. Salt lamp enthusiasts praise these special lights for improving sleep, boosting mood, reducing allergy symptoms, and more.

himalayan salt lamp

For best results, place your Himalayan salt lamp in your bedroom, living room, or home office to enhance the natural beneficial effects throughout your indoor space. The lamps come in candle holders, basket shapes, bowls, and more to suit any décor style.

Click Here To Buy Your Himalayan Salt Lamp From Amazon!

Cooking and Baking with Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan pink salt brings both visual appeal and enhanced nutritional value to any plate. But this exotic salt can provide flavour and health perks to foods beyond just sprinkling it over your finished meal. The versatile ingredient also makes an excellent salt substitute for everything from baking bread to searing up your favourite protein.

Here are some top ways to cook with Himalayan salt:

  • Add to meat rubs – the salty-sweet flavour boosts flavour in the meat while promoting browning.
  • Use to season roasted veggies – brings out the natural sweetness for caramelised goodness.
  • Rim cocktail glasses – fancy pink margaritas, anyone?
  • Make salted chocolate chip cookies – enhance the chocolate flavours.
  • Cure gravlax, prosciutto & meats – promotes moisture and tenderness.
  • Bake artisan breads – enhances flavour complexity and fermentation.
  • Homemade _ – the uses are practically endless!

The slightly less salty, more mineral-rich taste of Himalayan salt also makes recipes pop with a more balanced flavour compared to regular table salt. Just remember that since it is less refined, Himalayan salt is more delicate so add it at the end of cooking versus simmering it for long periods.

Click Here To Buy Organic Himalayan Pink Salt From Amazon!

Shopping for Quality Himalayan Pink Salt

With its skyrocketing popularity, you can now readily find Himalayan pink salt sold in stores and online in a variety of convenient forms:

Himalayan Salt Crystals
The most authentic option – purchase coarse pink crystals to finely grind salt as needed for cooking, baking, or to make brines and rubs.

Himalayan Salt Blocks
Perfect for searing, chilling, or serving foods to impart a delicate salty mineral flavour.

Himalayan Salt Slabs – For cooking, chilling, and serving foods like the blocks but thinner for more uses.

Himalayan Salt Bricks – Dense blocks used to season soups, stews, etc for a smooth infusion of flavour.

Himalayan Salt Sole
Natural solution made by saturating water with Himalayan salt – add to baths or beverages.

Himalayan Salt Inhaler
Inhale salt crystal dust to clear airways.

Himalayan Salt Lamps
Neutralise indoor air while emitting ambient lighting.

himalayan salt lamp

With so many retailers now carrying it, be careful of low-quality fakes trying to profit from the pink salt craze. To ensure your Himalayan salt products are authentic, always source them from reputable sellers. The highest quality will always come from Pakistan and Nepal where many smaller artisans hand-mine and produce the products.

himalayan salt lamp

The gold standard denotes pure “Himalayan Crystal Salt” which should have an orangish or deep pink hue. Beware of dull white salts labelled “Himalayan” as these tend to be mixed with cheap refined salt and lack therapeutic value. Only purchase products that come with information regarding the source and mineral composition. For maximum therapeutic benefits, true Himalayan pink salt will provide all 84+ trace elements.

Click Here To Buy Your Himalayan Salt Lamp From Amazon!

The Bottom Line

With its stunning sunset blush shade, healing nutrient profile, and subtle sweet-savoury flavour, it’s no wonder holistic health fans are wild about Himalayan crystal salt. Switching your ordinary salt for the iconic pink variety can do everything from enhancing your cooking to helping you destress before bed when used as an ambient lamp.

himalayan salt lamp

Compared to bleached refined salts, organic Himalayan pink salt is the highest quality option bursting with key macrominerals and trace elements your body needs. By boasting anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it can help address respiratory issues, balance pH levels, improve blood sugar regulation, and so much more. There are seemingly infinite ways to unlock the healing powers and flavour of this exotic health booster.

So next time you come across that characteristically soft pink glow of Himalayan salt, don’t just admire its beauty. Put it to use in your kitchen or living space, and let the therapeutic potential of these pink crystals go to work for boosting your mind and body.

Click Here To Buy Your Himalayan Salt Lamp From Amazon!


Where does Himalayan pink salt come from?

Himalayan pink salt comes from ancient sea salt deposits found deep in the Himalayan mountains located in Pakistan. The salt crystals are mined by hand from these natural deposits in the mountains.

How can Himalayan salt lamps benefit your health?

Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions into the surrounding air which can help neutralize some of the positive ions and electromagnetic radiation from electronics. This clears the air for enhanced breathing and wellness. The lamps also emit small amounts of salt so you can passively inhale some of the mineral benefits.

What minerals make Himalayan salt pink in colour?

Trace amounts of iron oxide, also known as rust, give Himalayan salt its signature pink hue. This iron content, along with over 80 other trace minerals, sets it apart from refined table salt.

How does cooking with Himalayan salt differ from regular salt?

Himalayan salt has a less salty, more mineral-rich taste compared to regular table salt. It also contains more delicate crystals so should be added at the end of cooking instead of being simmered for long periods to preserve the therapeutic mineral content.

What should you look for when shopping for quality Himalayan salt?

To ensure authenticity, look for salts sourced from Pakistan and Nepal where artisans mine and produce many products by hand. Opt for brands that disclose the source and mineral analysis. True Himalayan pink salt will have an orange/pink hue and contain 84+ trace elements.

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